Playing the didgeridoo since 1997 (among the first in Italy) I had the opportunity to develop a vdeep knowledge of the styles and techniques of the contemporary didgeridoo which I have carried over into my solo, band and ensemble musical experiences with dozens of musicians from all over Italy and not only.
Since 2010 I have produced eight albums with the band Ab Origine. The latest one, “Machina ex Devs” (2022) was produced for the contemporary ethnic music series created specifically for Radici Music Records, Labyrinth Musik. Labyrinth Musik has already produced two other albums specifically dedicated to contemporary ethnic music (if you are interested in a production proposal write to me).
With the Yin2Yang duo project we published the album “Dialogues on the Cosmic Highway”, for Terresommerse editore (Rome).
With Vortex Klub we created the first organic tekno music band in Italy, playing fiery live shows for about four years.